A POOL of about 30 dedicated tutors has been appointed to help improve adult learning services in the Darlington borough following a disappointing inspection.

Dramatic changes are expected to be made in Darlington Borough Council's adult and community learning provision next month, with services no longer being contracted out to other providers.

The move follows a visit by the Adult Learning Inspectorate, which highlighted weaknesses in the service provision, and particularly those contracted out.

The council provides a range of courses for adults, including information technology, modern languages and arts and crafts sessions, as well as family learning classes.

The inspection rated the council's family learning provision as outstanding, but graded contracted-out services, such as information and communications technology, English and languages as unsatisfactory.

A council spokesman said: "Our life-long learning team has tutors who try to make learning enjoyable for adults and deliver services particularly in schools and colleges.

"From September, a newly appointed team of about 30 tutors will provide all the adult learning courses to ensure a high-quality service."