A FLEETING glimpse of a woman in eighteenth century dress has heralded the start of ghost walks in Richmond.

Amateur actress Rhoda Fraser donned period costume to launch the series of attractions, which starts on August 12.

Dressed as Frances I'Anson - made famous in the song The Lass of Richmond Hill - she will lead the one-hour walks on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for about eight weeks.

If the pilot programme proves popular with visitors and residents, it could become a permanent feature.

The ghost walk stories have been scripted by Nobby Dimon, of the town's North Country Theatre touring company.

They focus on several legends from the town, including that of the vanishing eighteenth century drummer boy, King Arthur and his knights, as well as monks and plague victims.

"We have one or two places in Richmond that are definitely haunted," said Colin Grant, town manager, who helped devise the walk with sponsorship from the Richmond Swale Valley Community Initiative. "The walk is based on folklore and legend but there is a lot of historical content which is very interesting."

Mrs Fraser, who believes she may be related to Frances I'Anson, having shared the same maiden name and grown up in the same area of Arkengarthdale, said the walks were suitable for all ages, including children. They are also wheelchair accessible.

* The ghost walks leave the Turf hotel in Victoria Road at 6.30 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from August 12. The cost is £2 for adults, £1 for under-16s and £5 for families. There are discounts for party bookings and educational visits.

For further details, tel 01748 825835 or 818156.