AN action group has been set up by Teesdale villagers protesting against a quarry re-opening after more than 30 years.

Residents of Middleton-in-Teesdale have set up Middleton Against Reopening Crossthwaite (Marc) in protest at the plans by Strathmore Estates to restart work at the quarry.

The Whinstone granite quarry ceased production in the late seventies but has planning permission to continue operating until 2042.

Before work can begin again, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must take place.

At a public meeting in Middleton this week residents agreed on a letter that would be sent to Durham County Council from the parish council outlining what details they would like to see included in an EIA.

The parish council chairman has written to Durham County Council saying: "I urge you to ensure that the Environmental Statement to be submitted by Strathmore Estates is thorough, relevant and all encompassing and, if appropriate, to request further information and not to make a decision based on deficient information."

Graham Phillips, a resident who helped set up Marc, said: "The parish council have done a fantastic job in a very short time but they have to remain impartial. If the quarry operates there's going to be a lot of environmental issues as well as noise. The action group is very much in an embryonic stage but we felt something need to be done to prevent this happening."

Dennis Atkinson, from Newbiggin-in-Teesdale, lives across the valley from the quarry and has bad memories of when it last operated.

He said: "I don't want it to start again. You could always hear the grinding and crushing of the rocks and it was very dusty.

"When they were using explosives you could feel the shockwaves."