RELATIVES of a teenager who died after she was knocked down by a car have spoken about their forgiveness for the driver.

The family of Melanie Mullally, 16, of Ushaw Moor said they want to forgive Dale Balfour, 23, of Brandon.

Melanie's father, Patrick, said: "She would not have wished for anything to happen to him. She would be the first to console him, that is the sort of girl she was, very caring. She was very special and we know she was because of the amount people her life touched. It is remarkable.

"Common sense would tell anyone that when he set out, he didn't want to kill my daughter or anyone else's daughter.

"There is no use having ill feeling and I know it is not what she would want."

Melanie was known for her loves of animals and often brought stray cats and dogs home to feed.

She came from a big family and leaves behind three brothers and eight sisters, the youngest of whom is two-year-old Melissa.

Mr Balfour sat with his head bowed and was visibly upset during the inquest in Durham yesterday.

The hearing was told that Melanie was walking home after seeing a former boyfriend when she stepped on to the road from behind a parked car at 6.30pm on January 3.

She was struck by the Vauxhall Nova driven by Mr Balfour.

His police interview was played at the inquest.

In it he said: "It happened in a split second and I had no time to react.

"There was a flash of peachy pink and the windscreen went through.

"I didn't want to break heavily in case the wheels locked and I lost control of the vehicle.

"I don't know where she came from and that has been eating me up inside."

Mr Balfour said he was driving as fast as the law allowed, at 40mph, but police estimated he was travelling at between 50mph and 53 mph.

North Durham Coroner Andrew Tweddle recorded a verdict of accidental death.