A SERVICE to help families who are victims of fire or flood damage has been extended.

The British Red Cross Society is working in partnership with Cleveland Fire Brigade to deliver the Teesside Fire Victim Support Service.

The aim of the service is to provide families with much needed assistance, support and guidance in the first few hours following a traumatic experience from a fire, flood or even storm damage.

Once the fire brigade has done its job, the Red Cross Fire Victim Support team, together with their specially designed vehicle, provide practical assistance, such as the use of the vehicle's shower and toilet facilities along with food and clothing for all members of the family or the use of a mobile phone.

Emotional support and advice is also given and, if needed, they will contact insurance companies, social services or someone to secure the property on their behalf.

The service, which originally served only Middlesbrough and east Cleveland, will now cover the whole of the Teesside area.

Mark Whelan, director of operations and community safety at Cleveland Fire Brigade, said: "The Fire Victim Support Service is a valuable resource to fire victims, providing emotional and practical help.

"The partnership between ourselves and the Red Cross is essential. They support us when we call them out to an incident and we support them with the maintenance, garaging and fuelling of the vehicle, along with offering them practical and professional advice."