A TEESSIDE teacher represented the area on a trip to America's leading university.

Evelyn Wilson told delegates at Harvard University about Creative Partnerships Tees Valley's programme to improve creative learning in schools.

About 300 people from all over the world attended the event, aimed at providing teachers with the latest research into creative learning.

Mrs Wilson is a Creative Partnerships co-ordinator and also head of music, at Bishopsgarth School, in Stockton. The Government-funded Creative Partnerships programme is providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to develop their own creativity.

At Bishopsgarth this has included a literacy project, which involved children learning how to be a DJ and writing rap lyrics.

Mrs Wilson, who travelled to Harvard with fellow Creative Partnerships co-ordinator Chris Morefoot, from Wheatlands Primary School in Redcar, said: "The motto of Creative Partnerships is 'exciting minds' and we are working on the basis that if we can engage and excite children in school then we will see a real improvement in their motivation, behaviour and attendance."

Funding for Creative Partnerships Tees Valley comes to an end in 2006 but Mrs Wilson hopes to get cash to continue the project.