THE latest weapon in the campaign to get the North-East active was unveiled at a have-a-go extravaganza yesterday.

Active, a free national database with more than 10,000 places to play sport, get fit and have fun, had its regional premier at the Metro Radio Arena,

The launch was one of more than 25 sports and activities hosted by Everyday Sport, in Newcastle, with people from across the region invited.

Visitors were able to find out more about a range of activities, from belly dancing and judo to cycling and salsa. They also had the chance to see the national Indian game of Kabadi.

The Football Association, English Table Tennis Association, Tyne Rowing Club, Lawn Tennis Association, and the Rugby Football Union were among exhibitors.

Everyday Sport, which is being run by Sport England, is a four-month Government-backed initiative to get people in the North-East to become more active.

Sport England North-East regional director Judith Rasmussen, said: "There are so many different sports and activities available in the North-East, there is something for everyone.

"The arena event will hopefully prove that getting active can be fun and easily incorporated into our daily lives, and show that there is so much to choose from."

With some of the lowest participation rates in sport and physical activity in the country, the North-East was specifically chosen to host the test campaign.

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