A CITY'S proposed bypass, which has been on the drawing board for more than four decades, has been given a £100,000 boost.

Harrogate Borough Council's cabinet will contibute the money towards a link road between Coltsgate Hill, off North Street, to Blossomgate, Ripon, helping traffic avoid the city centre.

The route will link with a development scheme costing more than £10m to regenerate derelict land west of Ripon market place for shops, businesses, homes and car parking for nearly 200 vehicles, plus a Booth's supermarket.

The council leader, Councillor Mike Gardner, said: "We have always recognised how important this link road is to the overall scheme.

"We hope that our contribution, together with a possible contribution from Ripon Partnership, will lead to the highway authority - North Yorkshire County Council - agreeing to the extra funding."

The major redevelopment is being carried out by Lancashire-based Maple Grove Developments.

The new inner bypass will pave the way for widening Coltsgate Hill junction with North Street, which sees passing traffic having to mount the footpath to pass, putting pedestrians at risk.