THE first candidate in the by-election to replace Hartlepool MP Peter Mandelson was announced last night.

Mother-of-four Jody Dunn, 35, was chosen as the Liberal Democrat candidate following a meeting of local party members at a town centre hotel.

After the vote, Mrs Dunn, of Gainford, near Darlington, received congratulations from her party leader Charles Kennedy.

"Jody is a first rate candidate - honest, genuine, hardworking and sincere," said Mr Kennedy.

"With the Conservatives having thrown in the towel already and admitting they cannot win, only the Liberal Democrats are able to beat Labour."

Mrs Dunn said afterwards she was "honoured and delighted" to be selected. "The Labour Party have taken the local people for granted for far too long," she said.

Labour have had about 20 applications to be the party's candidate, although many are privately considered to be "not serious".

Those who have ruled themselves out of the running include Mr Mandelson's agent Steve Wallace, and former Hartlepool Borough Council chairman Carl Richardson.

Middlesbrough Mayor and ex-Hartlepool detective Ray Mallon has also said he will not contest the by-election, which is expected to be held in October or early November.

Former Euro MP David Bowe and Robbie Payne, who has been a councillor for seven years, are so far the only two Labour members who have publicly said they will apply.