The history of my love life might read like a horror novel but (as far as I am aware) I have never been cheated on.

Finding out that your partner has played away from home must be devastating but once the tears have dried it is not surprising that thoughts quickly turn to revenge.

That is where a new website comes into its own.

The site, which has had two million hits in a matter of weeks, is a way for anyone who has been cheated on to rat on the rat who broke their heart.

The biggest two-timers in the country have been named and shamed on this glossy site that makes for addictive reading.

Stories appearing on the site have included a woman who bought her partner a webcam to catch him in the act with another lass. Two librarians - who fell out of love after she caught him snogging another library worker in the book aisles and a cheating husband who ran off with his ex-wife after she contacted him via friendsreunited.

Some of the stories are heart-breaking others are hilarious as the spurned lovers take delight in revealing the most intimate secrets of the people who broke their hearts.

But the site isn't just about embarrassing people who seem to have no morals (you have to wonder if these alleycats would have the decency to blush at their antics being exposed) - its creator wants it to become a public service.

The aim is to form a database of love rats so anyone meeting a potential partner can check to see if they have been well behaved in the past.

Knowing your partner has not always been an angel might not put you off but at least you can go into the relationship armed with all the facts.

It's even possible that cheats could find kindred spirits on the site- if they are paired off with each other there's less of them out there to hurt innocent souls.

And heart-battered exes could log on to give each other a much-needed and understanding shoulder to cry on.

The site already contains information for victims to get back on their feet and an agony aunt to help you through your darkness days. This kind of victim support is obviously needed as the website proves time and time again that cheats need no help in pulling the wool over innocent people's eyes.

Reading these wicked tale, what really shocked me was how devious and badly behaved both men and women can be.

Us girls might have been taught by our mothers never to trust a bloke but if this site is anything to go by we are just as capable of spinning a line and getting away with murder.

But as much as I deplore cheats, there is a small part of me that rather begrudgingly admires their cheek and their powers of organisation. I have enough problems running my life with a job, friends, family and boyfriend to fit in so I can hardly imagine the skill needed to juggle two, three or even four different relationships.

All those dates to pen into a diary, lies to remembers and different personalities to cater for - its a wonder these cheats have the energy to do anything about their desires.

With all that information going round in my head the only thing I would be doing in bed would be sleeping!