MOVES are under way in a bid to clean up a red-tainted water course in Saltburn.

The stream, which flows through Saltburn Gill nature reserve to Saltburn beach, is known locally as Red River as iron ore leaks into it from a disused mine.

Saltburn parish councillor Jim Wingham, who went with other officials to see the beck, says the problem is getting worse. "It will cost a lot of money, but I think we've started on a journey that has a finish," he said.

"We're hopeful that we will be able to involve the Environment Agency, financially, and a senior officer at the lottery is keen to get involved, as well as Teesside University.

"We will soon be having a public meeting. The interest of local people will help to influence organisations to help us financially."

Simon Walker, environmental maintenance manager at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, said a multi-agency approach was being used to tackle the problem, which would involve working out the scale of the problem before implementing any future work.

"We can make no promises, but we are working together to try to reduce the effect of the ironstone workings on the beck," he said.