Twin sisters who followed identical career paths have both graduated from the same university with the same degree.

Francesca and Georgina Brown will graduate from the University of Teesside with social science degrees.

However, the 22-year-old's, from Marton, Middlesbrough, are going their separate ways as they follow different career paths.

Francesca, will leave university with a BSc (Hons) Psychology and Criminology degree, and is looking for a job in the public sector. While Georgina, who is the eldest by five minutes, graduates with a BSc (Hons) in Criminology and is considering studying for a Masters degree.

''We've always been close, with no big conflicts,'' she said.

''When we were little we'd both draw pictures and ask our parents, Celine and Dave, whose picture was the best? They'd always say both.''

Her sister added: ''We have the same sense of humour and I can't understand how twins couldn't get on.

''But the one big difference is that we go for different types of boyfriends.''

After leaving Nunthorpe School in Middlesbrough at 16 the girls attended St Mary's Sixth Form, where they both achieved GNVQs in Health and Social Care.

Not wanting to be different they then enrolled together on the same nursing course in Newcastle.

Francesca said: ''We always wanted to be nurses. After about three months we both realised that it wasn't the right career for us, but for different reasons.''

Both will officially graduate later this summer and Francesca added: ''Our parents are very proud. They know we've worked hard.''