A SPARROW is ruining Nigel and Audrey Copestake's peace and quiet.

The couple, from Aldbrough St John, say the bird's constant tapping at their windows is driving them mad.

The sparrow took up residence in their front garden in early May and since then has pecked at their living room windows incessantly - despite increasingly inventive measures to deter it.

"People laugh about it but after a while it's no joke and this has been going on now for nearly three months," said Mrs Copestake.

After contacting the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds for advice they bought a sparrowhawk-shaped silhouette for the window.

"It was no use at all - the bird attacked it and pecked at it until it no longer resembles a bird of prey," said Mrs Copestake.

A large mirror set against the glass inside the house simply attracted the bird, dangling CDs were ignored and closed curtains worked for a while but were not fully effective and made the house dark. Even netting did not solve the problem.

"We've got to do something about it," said Mrs Copestake. "There's the mess that it causes and the constant peck, peck, peck at the glass gets on your nerves. If anyone can help with serious suggestions, we'd love to hear from them."

Maj Tony Crease, of the Catterick bird ringing group, said it was very unusual to hear of a sparrow exhibiting such behaviour.

"It is usually the tit family or wagtails that do this sort of thing," he said. "The bird will be pecking at its own reflection in the glass. I can only suggest that Mr and Mrs Copestake put something like cardboard over the outside of the window for a while to try to deter it."

Anyone with other ideas for deterring the sparrow can contact the couple on 01325 374354.