SEAMEN who served on previous HMS Oceans have presented the current ship's captain with a teak plaque during its visit to the North-East.

It is 52 years since the former sailors have served on a Royal Navy vessel but that made it even more special for them.

They saw their friends give up their lives in the Second World War and the Korean conflict.

The ship's recent voyage from Plymouth to Sunderland, for HMS Ocean's Freedom of the City ceremony, was an emotional experience for many.

Desmond Porter, 72, of Newcastle, said: "The captain seemed quite delighted with the plaque. There is an association among the Oceans, so we are just maintaining that."

Mr Porter served on the fifth HMS Ocean, in Korea from 1951 to 1953, and has 12 years' Navy experience.

Joyce Knowlson, secretary of the HMS Ocean Association, who has written books on the first five ships, was delighted to be travelling on the sixth.

She said: "This is a very emotional experience for the veterans.

"It is great for them to get together so they can reminisce."

For a copy of Mrs Knowlson's book, HMS Ocean Peacetime Warrior, call 0161-224 5582.