AN east Durham cricket pavilion has been restored to its former glory thanks to a team of enthusiastic workers.

Dawdon Cricket Club House, in Seaham, was badly in need of updating and redecorating and had stood in its poor condition for sometime.

But employees on a scheme run in partnership by Houghall Enterprise Ltd and Groundwork East Durham this week stepped in to give the premises a complete facelift.

The workers are part of the Dawdon and Parkside Intermediate Labour Market Initiative (ILM), which offers long-term unemployed people one year's work, which includes vocational and non-vocational training and paid work as well as mentoring throughout that time.

Tom Graham, the chief executive of Dawdon Cricket Club, said: "The Club House used to be a thriving social venue within Dawdon.

"The work by the ILM team has really improved the appearance and the character of the Club House for the better.

"The team has done a fabulous job, just in time for the new cricket season.''

The ILM is now looking to recruit more people to the initiative from the Dawdon and Parkside area.

Anyone wanting any further information is asked to call Karen Williams on 0191-375 4767.