AN escaped prisoner was caught when he went to claim his jobseekers allowance.

Steven Gill, 40, had walked out of Ford open prison in West Sussex while serving a three- year sentence imposed last year.

Newcastle Crown Court heard he headed back to his home city of Sunderland and started signing on, claiming he had returned from Spain.

He obtained £485 in benefits between his first application at the end of April until his arrest on June 29.

Gill received the three-year sentence at Preston Crown Court in April last year for possessing an offensive weapon, making threats to kill and disobeying court orders.

He said he felt he was not getting the support he needed prior to his release but told the court yesterday; "I regret what I have done."

Gill was sentenced to serve the six months outstanding from his original sentence followed by a further year.

Gill, of no fixed address, admitted escape and making false representations to obtain benefit.