CAMPAIGNERS delivered a wheelbarrow full of objections against more quarrying near an ancient monument in North Yorkshire yesterday.

About 550 letters were handed to the county council from protestors fighting plans to extend the Nosterfield Quarry, close to Thornborough Henges, near Ripon, North Yorkshire.

Campaign group Heritage Action says the proposal by Tarmac Northern would destroy a significant archaeological site.

George Chaplin, Heritage Action campaign co-ordinator, said: "This is the most important monument between Stonehenge and the Orkneys and we expect it to be a long campaign.

"This is just an initial show of concern.

"Thornborough Henges has been woefully under-recognised as a site of importance and we aim to move forward with a national campaign to build awareness.

"Our work will be going on all summer. We have meetings set up all over the place to spotlight the issue."

The site is said to contain the greatest concentration of late Neolithic and early Bronze Age henges - or circular monuments - in the country.

It is thought the henges may have been the most important sacred site in Britain 5,000 years ago and English Heritage has backed the protest campaign.

The county council expects to produce a preliminary report for consideration by councillors in September. This is likely to recommend a site visit and it could be December before any decision is taken.