VANDALS have stolen wreaths and smashed flower vases placed on a new grave.

The family of the woman, recently buried at Hipswell Cemetery, are said to be extremely upset after the attack.

Councillor Tom Henry, the Mayor of Colburn and chairman of the joint burial committee at the cemetery, said: "I'm totally disgusted by this. I don't know what kicks they got out of this, but they have caused a lot of distress to the family.

"A cemetery is not a playground and if anybody knows who did this, we would like to hear about it."

At least ten wreaths were stolen from the grave, while vases and ornaments on several graves were smashed.

Sergeant Richard O'Neil appealed for anyone with information about the incident on Sunday night to get in touch with Richmondshire Police on (01609) 783131.

He said: "This is not the first time damage has been caused at the cemetery. Somebody must know something."

In April, a stolen Land Rover ploughed through a fence into the military part of the cemetery, knocking down at least ten headstones and causing £18,000 of damage.