A BAKERY company is helping to combat the area's poor health by pioneering free medical checks for its staff.

Seaham company Pride Valley Foods has launched a Know Your Numbers campaign, the first of its kind in the region, to test the health of more than 200 volunteer employees.

The project was devised by the company's chairman, Hossain Rezaei, in the light of figures that place the area at the top of the UK league for chronic illnesses, circulatory disease and cancer.

Each person taking part in the project has been given a half-hour consultation by a health screening company.

Six experts measured the individuals' cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure, body composition and body mass index.

A results card was given to the employees, with tailored advice and guidance on living a healthy life.

Mr Rezaei said the health and well-being of his staff was of the utmost importance and that the campaign was about prevention rather than cure.

He said: "It is well documented that the North-East has some of the highest rates of chronic illness, heart disease and obesity in the country.

"My staff are the best in the region and I want to look after them. It is crucial that we pre-empt the situation and start talking to them about their lifestyle, diet and exercise patterns."