A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD boy from the North-East has become the face of the legendary All Blacks rugby union team - despite secretly supporting England.

Jack Kinnersley, originally from Hartlepool, moved to rugby-mad New Zealand with his mother, father and sister Molly two years ago.

Despite supporting his native England in the World Cup, he decided to switch sides when his mother and father bought tickets for the recent New Zealand versus England match in Auckland.

Telephone company Telecom took a picture of him with his face painted in the colours of the All Blacks and asked his father, Derek, if his image could be used in future advertising campaigns.

Now the youngster has been chosen from hundreds of photographs to appear on the front page of the All Blacks supporters' Go Black Mania website.

However, Jack, a former pupil of Eldon Grove Primary School, in Hartlepool, had an England shirt underneath his All Blacks one when the picture was taken.

Anna Kinnersley, Jack's moher, said: "His interest in rugby has grown more and more whilst being in New Zealand and he has become a great supporter of the All Blacks, although I have to say though he is still very proud of his English background.

"When England came over to New Zealand they were beaten in their first game and Jack asked me 'mum, would it be OK if I support the All Blacks in the second match?'

"Of course, little did the All Blacks know that under his All Blacks top he wore his England rugby top so should the need arise he could always whip off one to show the winning side."