A PROJECT offering advice to help protect young men in the North-East from sexual exploitation has been launched.

Children's charities Barnardo's, MESMAC North East, Gay Advice Darlington and Durham Young Gay Men's Group will offer advice to men who are at a vulnerable time of life.

Posters and information cards are being distributed to youth centres, schools, colleges and other venues where young gay and bisexual men go to let them know what support is available.

Ady Davis, of Barnardo's and Durham Young Gay Men's Group, said: "Young men can often feel that there is no support for them and this can make them vulnerable to sexual exploitation when they are just starting out questioning their sexual feelings.

"We want to help young men to recognise they might sometimes be in danger of being exploited, how they can be aware and alert to this happening to them and how to avoid it."

Mr Davis said they could put themselves at greater risk of sexual exploitation because of where they felt they had to go to meet other gay men.

Part of the aim of the cards and posters is to let young men know where they can access service.

The posters and cards have been designed by a group of young gay and bisexual men who drew on their own experiences to prepare the material.

Mr Davis said the information was not saying all older gay or bisexual men were predators, just that those who do want to take advantage of young men and boys often do so at particular types of venue.