A BOY got his wish yesterday as magistrates gave him a custodial sentence.

Darlington Youth Court heard how the 17-year-old had such a difficult home life he wanted to be back in custody and had deliberately not complied with a probation order so he would be locked up.

A youth offending officer said the boy had not attended a single appointment for a detention and training order.

Vivian Waugh, mitigating, said the boy had an extremely turbulent time at home.

He said: "His mother attempted suicide yesterday and is in hospital now. It is the second time she has been in the hospital this week because of self-harm.

"It would appear that the burden of dealing with all of this lies strongly with this boy."

He said that when the youth had been in custody, he had worked well and was released with a glowing report.

However, since then difficulties had arisen with complying with the supervision part of the order.

Mr Waugh said: "He has said he wished he was back in custody because he didn't have everything to deal with there, and there are times now when he feels like that.

"He would wish to be in a position where he could work with the order and attempt to sort out his problems without the necessity of ending up back in custody."

The youth offending officer said: "This boy takes a lot of the issues at home on his own shoulders and I think at times he is the parent and peacemaker of the home."

Magistrates gave the boy, from Darlington, a three-month custodial sentence.