A PATIENT has helped to kick-start an appeal to provide extra comfort for patients.

After being diagnosed and treated for cervical cancer last year, Wendy Riley turned her attentions to raising money for the colposcopy clinic at James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, and handed over £500.

A horse racing night at Marton Cricket Club, Middlesbrough, followed and a further £2,500 was donated towards the clinic's £6,000 appeal to buy a specialised examination couch.

Ms Riley, who returned to the hospital to see nurse colposcopist Denise Appleby and consultant gynaecologist Derek Cruickshank, said: "The event was my personal thank you to all the staff, and in particular Derek and Denise.

"The evening was a resounding success and my thanks go to the club and everyone involved."

Ms Appleby said: "Anything we can do to enhance and improve the current surroundings will certainly benefit the patients.

"This donation from Wendy is fantastic and is a great start to our fundraising appeal."

Anyone who would like to help with the fundraising or who would like to make a donation can contact Ms Appleby on (01642) 854243.