A vicar has been appointed at St Mark's Church in Thornaby after the parish was left without a clergyman two years ago.

Reverend David Hawthorne left in 2002 to take up a post in the Diocese of Chichester, Sussex. Other clergy in the Deanery of Middlesbrough have worked with the churchwardens and parishioners of St Mark's to ensure the continuity of the church's ministry and work in South Thornaby since Rev Hawthorne's departure.

However, Reverend Mark Catherall, 40, has now been appointed as the vicar. He was ordained a priest in 1994 after training at Chichester Theological College and served as curate in parishes at Lancing and Selsey before becoming a chaplain in the Royal Navy in 1998.

Mr Catherall is based at HM Naval Base, Portsmouth. His naval commission ends in August, when he will move to south Thornaby in preparation for his induction as vicar by the Bishop of Whitby, the Right Reverend Robert Ladds, with the Archdeacon of Cleveland, the Venerable Paul Ferguson, on Friday, September 10 in the church.

Archdeacon Paul Ferguson said: "Mr Catherall's experience in parish life and in the Royal Navy will stand him in good stead for his Ministry at St Mark's."