MEMBERS of a bowling club were devastated yesterday after finding that vandals had damaged their green.

A 2m patch of turf has been dug up at Neville's Cross Bowling Green at Lowes Barn Recreation area in Durham.

Secretary Ian Hudson said the vandalism was upsetting for members, many of whom are elderly.

He said: "It has all the hallmarks of someone using a heel to kick away at it. It is just mindless vandalism.

"Members will be extremely disappointed because we put a lot of hard work into the green and use our own time.

"It is awful because it creates an element of fear that it is going to get worse."

Mr Hudson said the vandalism could have been retaliation from a gang of youths because he asked them to turn down their car radios at 3am yesterday. He said they became abusive when he said he had called the police.

Mr Hudson fears this could be start of a series of attacks on the bowling green and recreation ground and a metal fence would have to be erected if there was any more damage.

Mr Hudson said: "We would be reluctant to do that because it would cost thousands of pounds, which would have to come from ratepayers' money.

"It would create an unpleasant environment for the members because it would be like playing in a prison yard."

A black top was found near the damage and Mr Hudson said it may belong to one of the vandals.

Anyone with information should contact police on 0191-386 4222.