The Government has set targets for reducing carbon emissions - increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewables and woodfuel is seen as part of the process.

Richard Pow, the Forestry Commission's regional development officer, said: "While on-shore wind is expected to contribute the lion's share of renewable energy production, bio-energy has a critical part to play. More than that, bio-energy, such as wood for fuel, can also be important for providing heat, especially in rural areas where natural gas is not available."

Geoff Hatfield, chief executive of Forest Enterprise England, recently launched a woodfuel information pack containing a series of factsheets.

He said: "The Government has set quite ambitious targets for renewable energy production. Woodfuel can make a major contribution right across England. In the North-East, people have recognised this."

The information pack is the result of several years' development work by Forest Research, the research agency of the Forestry Commission.

Mr Hatfield said: "It clearly outlines the benefits of using wood as a fuel.

"It should give potential developers the information and confidence they need to specify woodfuel heat, and energy, production as part of their plans."

* Mr Pow can be contacted for further information on (07831) 216024.

Published: 17/08/2004