TRIBUTES have been paid to a popular teenager who was found dead two weeks ago.

Family and friends of Helen Archer, 18, packed St Philip and St James Church, in Tow Law, for her funeral this week.

Helen grew up in Tow Law, but had moved to Newton Aycliffe with mother Maureen and stepfather Hughie Metcalfe.

Her family remember her as a fun-loving teenager, who could be outspoken and cheeky, but who had lots of friends.

Mrs Archer said: "Everybody has said she had this loud, infectious laugh and it's that they miss most."

Helen, who was treated to a fire engine ride on her 18th birthday in April, enjoyed spending time with her friends in Tow Law and Newton Aycliffe.

She loved playing her music and was very particular about her appearance, regularly taking hours over her make-up and clothes to ensure she got her style just right.

Mrs Archer said the family was still finding it difficult to come to terms with their loss, adding: "It's unbelievable she's not here, it just feels like she's on holiday."

Helen was devoted to her nephews, 17-month-old Kian and four-year-old Nathan, and doted on her grandparents, who she lived with in Tow Law for a time.

Her father, Paul, was killed in an accident at work 16 years ago.

She also had two sisters, Emma and Laura, and a brother, Craig, step-brothers Christopher and Robert and a step-sister, Claire.