PEOPLE will be able to see behind the scenes of some of Darlington's civic buildings in the sixth annual Heritage Opens Days Festival from September 10 to 13.

There will be tours of the town hall, including the Mayor's Parlour and the council chamber, allowing access to areas normally off limits to the public.

Other buildings involved include the Covered Market, the Dolphin Centre, Darlington Civic Theatre and the arts centre.

Heritage Opens Days is co-ordinated at a national level by the Civic Trust, and for Darlington by the tourism team at the borough council.

Councillor David Lyonette, the council's cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: "Once again the Heritage Opens Days Festival is proving to be very popular with many tours booking up fast.

"The festival provides a fun and informative way of finding out more about the buildings we see every day but often take for granted."

The festival events leaflet is available from Information Darlington, at 13 Horsemarket, Darlington, or online at