Sir, - It seems to me that Nosterfield quarry is hoping to expand on a "least cost" basis - preferring not to move the plant equipment but bringing the rock to the crushing plant by conveyor from the area being worked. Should the Ladybridge planning application go through, the life of the present quarry has to be extended by the life of any new quarry area.

It is reasonable to expect that they will use the same methods for Thornborough Moor, which has approximately 12 years' life, and for a number of other possible target areas.

In all, there may be as much as 30 years' worth of gravel within conveyor reach of the present quarry.

What this means is that it may take Tarmac 30 years to complete the area of the nature reserve closest to Nosterfield, and it really means that this wonderful place is going to be finally completed on the "never-never", always just a few years away from completion but never quite getting there.

On the other hand, closing the Nosterfield quarry now would allow Tarmac to deliver on its promise of ten years ago. This would leave Nosterfield with an immediate improvement in the local landscape.

It is important to realise that now is the time to stop the quarrying. By doing so, we can prevent Nosterfield from being cut off by lakes, delivering a fully-fledged nature reserve now rather than later, thus enhancing property values, instead of a village surrounded by lakes that can no longer expand and would therefore die.

If Tarmac wins Ladybridge, there is a good chance that Thornborough Moor will become a preferred area for quarrying - and it is almost impossible to fight a quarry in a preferred area.


Chapel Hill Cottages,
