A TODDLER remained in a critical condition in hospital last night after being involved in an accident with a car as she walked along a street.

The two-year-old, from Loftus, east Cleveland, was knocked unconscious in the accident involving a Honda Civic car as she walked with teenage friends along the footpath of Loftus High Street at 5.35pm on Thursday.

The car driver, a 19-year-old man from Loftus, is thought to have lost control of the vehicle, which mounted the footpath before the collision with the child who was on the northern side of the high street, near to the junction with Chapel Row.

The girl suffered serious head injuries and was taken by ambulance to James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough.

She was later transferred to the paediatric intensive care unit where police said her condition remained critical.

Police want to hear from witnesses to the accident or anyone who saw the vehicle immediately before the collision. They are asked to call PC Robin Turner on (01642) 301558.