A HOTEL refurbishment in the region is helping villagers living in the Arctic circle to keep warm.

The Feversham Arms Hotel, in Helmsley, has handed piles of blankets to charity supporter John Shackelton.

He will be passing them on to people in the Murmansk region later this month, along with the fully-equipped ambulance that he will be using to deliver them.

The 17-bedroom Feversham Arms has been recently refurbished by award-winning hotelier Simon Rhatigan, who has replaced the blankets with duck-down feather duvets.

That allowed Mr Rhatigan to donate items the hotel no longer needed to worthy causes, including the charity initiative by Mr Shackelton to raise money for an ambulance, medical supplies, warm clothing and bedding for some of Russia's poorest citizens.

Mr Shackelton, who has travelled to Russia every year for the past 14 years, began his charity work when he helped to build toilets and showers in Romanian orphanages.

Now he spends his time collecting for car boot sales and raising money to buy the 18 ambulances and a fire engine - all fully equipped - that he has previously delivered to Russia.

His travels have taken him to every former-Soviet country with his helpers, Alison Finner and Donovan Hall. The three take it in turns to sleep in the ambulance, with one driving and one navigating.

Mr Rhatigan said yesterday: "I am pleased that we continue to get involved with local community initiatives here in North Yorkshire, and that items we no longer use at the hotel can be put to such good use.

"John's cause is truly philanthropic and we wish him the best on his journey.

"I understand that he has already bought another ambulance for his next trip."