GYM users are gearing up for a run to help a brave toddler. Ellie Smith was struck down with group B streptococcal meningitis when she was two weeks old.

She suffered brain damage and lost part of her sight. The condition also left her unable to walk unaided.

Colleagues of her father, Graham, a fitness advisor at Bannatyne's Health Club in Chester-le-Street, County Durham, are preparing for a fundraising run to buy her a £1,500 walking frame.

Mr Smith said: "Everyone at the club has already been really supportive and we are really looking forward to the run. Ellie will really benefit from the walker and it will make a real difference to her life."

The club is expecting about 200 people to take part in the four-mile run, which is taking place on Saturday, at 11am.

It starts and finishes at the health club, at Durham County Cricket Club's Riverside Ground.

Andy Mockler, Bannatyne's Chester-le-Street general manager, said: "The members and staff are pulling together for the run, which is an example of how this health club is a real part of the community.

"I'd encourage anyone who knows a Bannatyne's member who is taking part to come down and join them to raise money for Ellie."

To make a donation or take part, call the club on 0191-388 3344.