LIBERAL Democrat candidate Jody Dunn has challenged Labour's Iain Wright to a head-to-head debate ahead of the by-election.

Mrs Dunn said last night that Mr Wright had turned down invitations from organisations in Hartlepool that had tried to stage Question Time-style events.

But the Labour camp dismissed the claim, saying its candidate was preparing to take part in a debate to be televised by the BBC this weekend.

Mrs Dunn said: "It is clearly important that we allow the people of Hartlepool to choose the best person who they want to be their MP - that's why I think a debate will work.

"I am prepared to take part in an open debate between myself and Iain and am challenging him with a golden gauntlet to accept and take part.

"There are many issues facing Hartlepool and it is the role of our MP to speak up for the whole town, villages and all the residents."

A Labour Party spokesman said: "I am not aware of us turning anything down. We have had an invite, but we haven't replied.

"If there is any evidence of us turning anything down it should be produced, rather than concentrating on a constant smear tactic of innuendo and fear."