Sacked football boss Sir Bobby Robson is backing a campaign to prevent older people being forced out of work.

The 71-year-old was axed by Newcastle United after their poor start to the season.

And while age was not thought to be a factor in that decision, the former England manager is stepping in to help launch a campaign by the North Tyneside branch of Age Concern.

The week-long initiative urges older people to demand equal treatment in everyday life.

Sir Bobby said: "Older people are a growing force by our sheer numbers and we must use our influence if we are to change attitudes.

"Age is irrelevant to what we can do and what we achieve in so many roles.

"We all need to speak out and challenge narrow views about age."

A spokeswoman for the charity said: "Despite being the fastest growing section of the population, holding 70 per cent of the nation's wealth, older people can be forced out of the workplace, refused credit and insurance and prevented from pursuing education and training.

"We want this campaign to encourage older people to stand up for their rights."