A TOWN has been visited by an ambassador from its namesake in the US.

Jill Emerson, from Richmond, Missouri, arrived in Richmond, North Yorkshire, this week. She decided to visit after reading an article about the town in a magazine.

She said: "We wanted to come and say hello. We've already been asked to speak about the town by different groups at home.

"The towns have much in common - they both seem to be full of friendly and helpful people."

Ms Emerson was met in Richmond by Mayor Russell Lord.

As well as souvenirs from home, she brought with her a letter of greeting from the mayor in the US town.

An invitation has also been extended to schoolchildren in Richmond to make contact with pupils in the US.

Mr Lord said: "It's always nice to welcome people to the town from other Richmonds.

"Its good to be able to take them round and show them our history and traditions. It's another link and friendship made.