A £5m housing scheme for the elderly in Wensleydale has been approved.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has given the go-ahead for a development replacing the Sycamore Close sheltered housing complex and High Hall care home, in Bainbridge.

The extra-care scheme will include 40 apartments for the elderly, plus a cafeteria, hairdresser, treatment room and lounge.

Bainbridge district councillor Yvonne Peacock said: "I'm delighted this flagship scheme can now go ahead.

"This will be the residents' home for life - when they need care, the care will come to them. They will not have to move to a care home or nursing home."

Work is due to start on the first phase of the development in around a month.

Three Sycamore Close bungalows will be knocked down to make space for the first unit of flats.

Close residents will move in and their bungalows will be demolished to make way for more flats to accommodate people moving out of High Hall.

The scheme will be paid for by North Yorkshire County Council, Richmondshire District Council, the Housing Corporation and the Department of Health.