A WEEK of events has been organised in Darlington to tackle dyslexia.

The Dyslexia Institute will host several sessions around this year's theme of a celebration of dyslexia talents.

Mark, an adult learner in Darlington, said: "Since coming to the Dyslexia Institute, it has done nothing but improve my confidence and self-esteem.

"Also, surprisingly, it has influenced the people nearest to me to realise that I'm not thick, but that I do approach things from a slightly different direction.

The events will take place between September 27 and October 2 as part of Dyslexia Awareness Week.

The BBC bus will be in Darlington Market Place on September 27 and 28 between 10am and 4pm.

Anyone interested can try out specialist learning resources for teaching, and talk to staff, parents and adult learners.

On October 2, the Darlington office of the Dyslexia Institute, based at 69 Woodland Road, will be open to the public between 10am and 1pm.

It will show achievements of learners and there will be an opportunity to talk to staff.

Reading and spelling tests and screening for ages four to 100 are also on offer.

Appointments booked during Dyslexia Awareness Week cost £10 and £25 respectively.

For more information, call (01325) 283580.