AN African dog that does not bark but yodels is only one of the unusual canine species that can be seen in the North-East this weekend.

More than 60,000 people are expected to attend the 36th annual Darlington Championship Dog Show, in South Park.

As well as the yodelling African basenji, judges will grade Canadian Eskimo dogs and Portuguese water dogs, along with more than 2,000 other breeds.

Some 3,000 prize animals a day will compete for the dog of the show title.

Crufts television coverage presenter Jessica Holme was showing her grand basset griffon vendeens Pinot and Bijou yesterday. They won best bitch and reserve best bitch.

She said: "I love this show because the atmosphere at Northern shows is so friendly.

"The competition is so stiff. It is harder to win here than anywhere else in the world."

There have been dog shows in Darlington for nearly 150 years and they have been held in South Park since 1891.

Today, people will be able to see working dogs, such as dobermans, rottweilers and Siberian huskies and pastoral groups including Australian cattle dogs and sheep dogs.

Tomorrow, judges will see the gun dogs, such as setters, retrievers and pointers and toys, including King Charles spaniels, pugs and terriers.