PLANNING officers are recommending an application to site two caravans to be occupied by travellers be refused.

Darlington Borough Council's planning committee will discuss the application from Tom Mounsey, to site the two residential caravans on the paddock site at Snipe Lane, Hurworth Moor, at a meeting on Wednesday.

The site is near another permanent travellers family site at Blackwell Moor Farm. Mr Mounsey's application seeks permission for change of use for the paddock to provide settled occupation, with two caravan units, two parking spaces and a single-storey toilet block.

Three letters of objection have been received, complaining that the site is an agricultural area and such development would be inappropriate.

There are also concerns about extra traffic pulling out of Snipe Lane on to the busy A66.

The Campaign for Rural England (CPRE) has also objected to the scheme because it is not of agricultural or forestry need, and that it would set a precedent.

Hurworth Parish Council has objected because the development would be residential in the green belt, and could lead to similar requests.

However, two letters of support for the scheme have also been received.

One is from the owner of an adjoining field who feels there is no problem with the application, and a second which states the applicants are a young family with one car, which would not impact on traffic.

But council officers say the development would be residential in the open countryside, which goes against planning policy, and that the additional traffic it would generate would lead to road safety issues.