AN application by a plumbing firm to build offices and a reception area has attracted opposition from people living nearby.

GA Oliver Limited, a plumbing and heating engineering company, has applied to Darlington Borough Council for permission to build the single-storey offices on its site in Kingsway, in the Whinfield area of the town.

However, local people have written to the council suggesting that there are alternative premises available on industrial estates in the town that would be more suitable.

They have also voiced concerns about increased traffic to the business, in an area where children play, as well as possible loss of privacy and noise from the site, and the effect it will have on property prices.

However, planning officers are recommending the council's planning committee grants permission for the development when it meets tomorrow.

Officers say any additional traffic generated by the development will be minimal.

They also say any concerns about the impact of the development on residential properties could be dealt with through planning conditions, such as banning the use of power tools on the site.