AN archaeological dig on Teesside has unearthed materials that reveal details of the lives of the people who used to live and work there.

Volunteers and experts from Tees Archaeology are working on the settlement at Foxrush Farm, in Dormanstown, Redcar.

This year, archaeologists hope to uncover exactly what industry used to take place at the site.

Pottery, bone, pieces of metal, and evidence of two round houses on the site have been found.

Robin Daniels, archaeological officer at Tees Archaeology, which launched the excavation with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, said:

"We think we've got both industrial activity at the site as well as people living there."

A free open day will be held on Sunday, from 10am to 4pm, when visitors can take part in the dig and enjoy crafts and quizzes.

Call Jo Fearey on (01642) 444231 for further details.