A COW is helping a congregation to raise money for charity.

The cow, from Hazel Brow Farm, in Low Row, Swaledale, is wearing a Send a Cow to Africa blanket to raise awareness of the local church's campaign to buy livestock for farmers in the developing world.

Although the money will be spent in Africa - and no animals will have to undertake the journey - Cath Calvert, of Hazel Brow Farm, said eyebrows had still been raised.

"I think the postman got a bit worried because the blanket has a stamp in the top right-hand corner," she said.

Cows are a feature of life in Low Row, as the animals graze on common pasture and can often be seen in the road.

Mrs Calvert said: "I have been thinking for a while they would make ideal advertising boards, and this seemed a good cause. We might think Dales farmers are not so well-off, but there are a lot folk in the world worse-off than us."

The farm provided cut-out cow Daisy for a recent harvest festival at Holy Trinity Church, in Low Row.

The church hopes to raise enough money to buy a cow, 100 saplings and a pair of goats for an African farmer.

Donations can be made at Hazel Brow Farm visitor centre until the end of the month.