Coxhoe Ladies Club: Jean Holmes opened the September harvest supper meeting. The evening trip to Harperley Hotel was finalised and ten tickets were allocated for the senior citizen rally at Coxhoe Leisure Centre.

Names were drawn from the hat as many members wanted to attend. Names were taken for Guys and Dolls at the Gala in March 2005. The supper, made by Jean, Joan, Dorothy and Gillian, was delicious. Every member received a piece of 70th birthday cake from Belle. The British Heart Foundation had thanked members for their gift of £500. The speaker on stained glass was unable to attend so Jean entertained everyone with funny poetry from her teaching days. Cynthia won the door prize and Margery Iceton won the competition - a stained glass light bulb - that was judged by Mary Simpson.

Esh Leaves WI

President Sylvia Green welcomed members and a visitor to the September meeting. Correspondence was dealt with and the county letter was discussed before the president introduced speaker Margaret Hedley. She gave an enjoyable talk on the lives of women in nineteenth century pit villages, based largely on research done for her own family history. Members practised the country and western roll-call song for the October Group Meeting. A short general knowledge quiz was won by visitor Lorraine Hall, with Sheila Vear and Doreen Densham runners-up. The last rose of summer competition was won by Margaret O'Connelley, with Brenda Robson second and Gillian Wesson and Sheila Vear joint third. The door raffle was won by Evelyn Lawton. The evening finished with an annual produce sale in aid of Willowburn Hospice. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 11, at 7.30pm in the Church of England School, Esh.

Gilesgate Evening TG

Chairman Jennie O'Hare welcomed everyone to the meeting in the St. John Ambulance Hall. Everyone had enjoyed the summer day out to Wolds Way Lavender Farm and Castle Howard. Sandra Mitchelson, who was the guild delegate to the national meeting in Bournemouth gave an excellent report; we all felt as if we had been there. We could visualise Sir Bob Geldof giving his views on the motion about fathers' rights. She was thanked by the chairman. Forthcoming events were given out. Speaker was Dorothy, from Class Clothes. She had a wonderful display of clothes for the winter season. She was thanked by Jean Tilly. Dorothy judged the competition, an evening bag, which was won by Phyllis Ovington. Raffle winners were Phyllis Ovington, Jennie O'Hare and Nancy Urwin. The next meeting is on Monday, October 4, when the speaker will be David Raeburn with a film show on Islands of Greece.

Belmont TG

Members held their September meeting in Belmont Comprehensive School. Chairman M Parker welcomed members back after the summer recess. The speaker was Joan Lister, from Pittington, who gave a recital of poems she had written. Members enjoyed her recital and a vote of thanks was given by Marie Towning. The competition for a decorated egg cup was won by Mrs Simon, second was E Scott and A Elliott was third. The October meeting - on Wednesday, October 6, in Belmont Comprehensive School - will be a ploughman's supper, with a sale of fruit and vegetables.

Belmont WI

President Marjorie Oates welcomed members back after the summer break. Secretary Jean Morgan read the minutes and dealt with the business. Names were taken for the Christmas dinner at Hallgarth Manor Hotel. The speaker was Angela Rhoades, of Dragon Pearl House, who gave a talk on the history of pearls. She was thanked by Val Quarton. The competition was a pair of pearl earrings and was won by Val Quarton, with Margaret Macdonald second and Carol Sturt third. Raffle prizes were won by Flora Kelly, Elsie Lofthouse and Jean Morgan. The September birthday girl was Sheila Elliott. October is the 77 birthday party and will be a faith supper. The next meeting is on Monday, October 11, at 6.45pm in Belmont Comprehensive School gym.