ORGANISERS of one of the country's biggest animation festivals are on the look-out for the latest talent.

As Middlesbrough plans its fifth annual Animex International Animation Festival, people working in the animation industry are being invited to submit their work for a special presentation at Middlesbrough's UGC Cinema next February.

The event, Animex Production, sponsored by Middlesbrough Council Arts Development, will be before an invited audience of some of the industry's best-known names. Successful contributors will receive awards ranging from £3,000 to £6,000, aimed at encouraging developing talent.

Submissions should not be more than five minutes long and can either be work in progress or new ideas. New ideas must be finished by early January in time for the festival, which is organised by the University of Teesside, Middlesbrough.

The deadline for applications is October 4. For details on applying or for more information, contact Jenny Hall at Middlesbrough Council, (01642) 315244. For information on festival events, log onto

Published: 24/09/2004