BARNARD CASTLE. - Wed of last week. Fwd: 2,240 sheep. Lt lambs to 111p av 93.2p; std to 112p av 103.6p; med to 111p av 102.3p; heavy to 111p av 102.9p. Cast sheep: Cont £50.50; Suff £41.50; Mule £34.50 Swale £22.
DARLINGTON. - Thurs of last week. Fwd: 281 cattle, 2,164 sheep. Steers med to 137.5p/£763.13 av 106.8p; heavy to 124.5p/£827.45 av 103.9p; hfrs med to 138.5p/£630.18 av 108.96p; heavy to 145.5p/£836.63 av 109.4p; young bulls med to 105.5p/£569.70 av 96.3p; heavy to 131.5p/£871.50 av 108.9p. Lambs lt to 108.2p/£39.50 av 99.16p/£37.43; med to 108p/£46.80 av 98.14p/£42.44; heavy to 106.5p/£51.20 av 95.1p/£45.78; overall lamb av 98.13p; cull ewes to £47 av £32.38p. Mon. - Fwd: 135 cattle, 886 breeding & store sheep. Steers. - BA: £570 K Wade. Lim: £550(2) P Harrison; £490 R Mann. BB: £545 GS Bainbridge. Hfrs. - BB: £515, £475(2) GS Bainbridge. Parthenaise X: £478 JJ Atkinson. Lim: £468, £438 J J Atkinson. Bullocks. - BA: £480 P Lanestaff; £425 F Forrest. Char £470, £375 G W Barr. Lim: £425 F Forrest; £370 J Seymour. Cows and calves. - BB: £950, £880, £820 H Thornton-Berry. Herefd: £760, £740, £720 H Thornton-Berry. Store lambs: £45.20 ES Kidd; £41.80 CA Skidmore; £41.50 WK Wilkinson; £39.80 T Blythman. Rams. - Texel: £210, £150 T Blythman; £150, £135 D Forster. Gimmer shlgs. - Mule: £88, £87, £86, £78 J&EM Lawson. Ewe lambs. - Mule £61, £55, £51 RL Coatsworth. Texel/Swale: £57, £53 M Firby. Ewes. - Cont: £60, £57.50 T R Fidell. Mule: £48, £46 HR Wilkinson. Swale: £39.50, £35.50, £35 T Blythman.
Hawes. - Tues. Fwd: 1 calf, 2,601 sheep. Breeding sheep, annual show & sale of reg Swaledale ewes.Prizes: 1 & HSBC trophy, pen of 10: 1 JW Porter & Sons, Low Oxnop, £410 to TA Blades, Hawes; 2 BR Lawson & Sons, Buddle House, £300 to C Gibson & Son, Burniside Hall; 3 T&RJ Tiplady, Muker, £130 to JR&LA Capstick, Killington. Swale ewes to £410 av £116.34 (down £12.58 on 2003). Swale gimmer shlgs to £92. Ewes: JW Porter & Sons £410, £130; CR Thornborrow (WS) £300, £170, £108; S Reynoldson & Son £300, £100; BR Lawson & Son £300, £82(2); GK Hird & Sons £300; J&JE Bradley £240, £110; JT Dixon & Sons £160, £104, £100, £92, £90, £88; SD Robinson £150, £86; J Nelson & Son £150, £99, £92, £86; T&RJ Tiplady £140, £100, £90; B Thornborrow £132, £114, £98, £86; G Calvert & Sons £130, £114, £88, £86; JG Brunton £114; A&M Brennand £111; P Hallam £106(2), £88, £86, £84; REC Simpson & Sons £96; WM&JE Shuttleworth £90(2); W Allison & Sons £90(2). Shlgs: M Lawson £92. Calves: Fries bulls to £20 JR Thwaites, Askrigg. Prime hoggs, std to 106.3p av 99.8p; med to 110p av 100p; heavy to 110.8p av 100.9p av 100.2p. Store lambs: Cont to £36 av £29.95; Suff to £36.20; Mules to £35 av £32.17; horned to £27 av £23.53. Lt wt lambs: Cont to 103.6p av 102.8p; Suff to 101.1p av 99.2p; Mule to 98p av 97.9p; horned to 96p av 86p. Cast ewes horned to £27 av £18.23; polled to £35.20 av £34.80; cast rams horned to £23.50.
HEXHAM. - Last Fri. Fwd: catalogued entry of 515 store cattle. Steers, red CID: Lim to £640 China Hall; Char X to £655 Newlands Haugh; BA to £600 Airy Holm; Saler to £548 Breckon Hill; Simm X to £575 Breckon Hill, Blue CID: Lim to £715 Peppermoor; Char X to £630 Thrunton Lowfield; BB to £645 Haggwood; AAX to £690 Byreside; BA to £570 Houxty House; Simm X to £645 Hedley West Riding. Green CID: Lim to £612 Hillhead. BB bulls £560 Glendue. Hfrs. - Lim X to £514 Little Swinburne; Char X to £418 Berwick Hill; Simm to £348 West Kirkheaton; BBX to £432 Whittle; AA to £430 The Reenes; BAX to £520 Hepple Whitefield. Store lambs: Texel X to £40 Parmontley Hall; Char X to £39 Dumblair Rigg; Cheviot X to £37.50 Dumblair Rigg; Mule to £35 Agars Hill, Parmontley Hall. Feeding ewes: Cheviot X to £18.50; Swale to £18 both Dumblair Rigg. Tues. Hfrs: Lim X to 110.5p; Char X to 99.5p; BAX to 95.5p. Fwd: 4,175 lambs. Suff X to 113p; Texel X to 113.6p; Mule to 100.5p; Blackface to 95p; Swale to 98.6p; Char X to 108.9p; Beltex to 118.4p. Fwd: 528 cast ewes & rams. Suff to £46.50; Texel to £50; Mule to £44(2); Leics to £44; Blackface to £25; Swale to £24.50.
KIRKBY STEPHEN. - Mon. Fwd: 126 store cattle. Bullocks. - AAX: £560 Woodfoot. BAX: £675 Sawbridge Hall; £465 Grassgill. BBX: £670 Smardale Mill; £560 Asby Grange; £490 Crooksbeck. Lim X: £615 Sawbridge Hall; £565 Bramaskew Farm; £535 Asby Grange; £522 Crooksbeck; £480 Brackenthwaite; £425 Chapel House. Hfrs. - AAX: £395 Holme Farm. Bax: £390 Stoneygarth; £375 Grassgill. BBX: £610 Smardale Mill; £552 Asby Grange; £500 Argill House, Heights Farm; £460 Sowerby Park. Lim X: £582 Gaisgill Row; £540 Ash Garth; £535 Smardale Mill, Argill House; £525 Asby Grange; £500 Friendship Farm; £455 Rob Ridding. Tues. Fwd: 1,890 lambs, 265 ewes. Lambs 35kg & up: Suff to £55; Texel to £53; Beltex X to £49.50; Char to £45.20; Mule to £48; Lleyn to £48.80; Rough Fell to £36.20; Swale to £34.80. Lambs 34kg or less: Char to £32.50; NC Cheviot to £26.80; Swale to £26.50; Rough Fell to £27.80.
LEYBURN. - Last Fri. Fwd: 10 dairy cattle, 68 calves & stirks, 116 store cattle, 320 store sheep. Dairy cattle. - Calved hfrs: WN Avison & Son £615(2), £600, £590, £580. Calves: BB bulls to £255 NJ Ward av £213; hfrs to £195 G Sanderson & Son av £155; Lim bulls to £245 Sayer & Tallentire av £220; hfrs to £205 NJ Ward av £167; Simm bulls to £190 D&P Brown; hfrs to £150 D&P Brown; BA bulls to £180 J Pratt & Sons; hfrs to £135 J Pratt & Sons; AA bulls to £110 Horsley Gates Ptnrs; hfrs to £165 JH Simpson & Co av £108; Fries bulls to £140 W Denham av £24. Bull stirks: BB AE Wilkes £320; Fries AE Wilkes £185. Store bulls: BA J E Bottomley £640; Fries G Lobley £275; Lim FD Graham £520, NJ Sunter £420; Char NJ Sunter £488. Steers. - Lim: DB&SA Lawson £650p; RW Wallis & Sons £592, £525; CA Kitching £575; GS Tiplady £565; A&JA Iveson £560; PE Wilson £548; DH Challis & Son £432. Char: JW Ball £560. BA: JW&JH Burton £498. Herefd: JW Ball £510; Fries: T Dent & Son £475; GS Tiplady £470. Hfrs. - BB: High Mains Ptnrs £518, £500, £460; S&H Hodgson £432, £412; RJ&SJ Kirby £350. Simm: AG Dent & Ptnrs £500, £448. Lim: T Dent & Son £470; H Petty £465; CA Kitching £462; High Mains £445; PA Lawson £440; RF Lambert £435; AM Hill £422; C Gregg £422. Char: Thornton-Berry £478; High Mains £460, £452. Herefd: Mrs DM Poulter & Son £455; BA: JE&JH Burton £388; AA hfrs: NW&M Vasey £320; Fries: S W Scrivin £300. Lambs. - Ewes & twins: JL Harker £59. Mule gimmer: L Alderson £39.50. Cont: L Alderson £37.20; OJ Amsden & Son £35.80; Calvert & Hunter £34.60. Mule: JL Harker £35.20; W Stanger £35; J&PS Ellerton £34.20; B Alderson £34.20; AG Dent & Ptnrs £33.20. Swale: J&PS Ellerton £23.50. Mule feeding ewes: Calvert & Hunter £22. Tues. - Fwd: 797 sheep. Lambs: Suff & Cont std to 109.2p av 101.4p; med to 111.1p av 107.1p; heavy to 107.3p av 104.7p. Mule, Masham & horned std to 95.1p av 101.2p; heavy to 102.9p av 100.9p. Cast ewes: Cont £34; Mule £26; Masham £33; horned £19.80; horned rams £24.
MIDDLETON IN TEESDALE. - Sat. Fwd: 827 sheep, inc dispersal of 88 Mule ewes & rams for JA&D Scott, Westfield Farm. Mule shlgs to £90; Mule 2-shear to £78; Mule ewes to £72, all Westfield Farm. Lambs. - Cheviot: £43.50 East Newhouses. Char: £41 Battle Hill. Mule: £46.20 East Newhouses; £41 Pikestone, West Barnley. Suff: £48 Lonton South; £43 Village Farm, Cockfield Hall. Texel: £47 Rigg Farm; £45 West Barnley, Woodside; £44 East Newhouses. Ltwt & Store: Swale: £34.50 Greta Farm; £33.50 High Birkhatt; £33 West Underhurth; £32 Vallance Lodge, Woodside Farm, East Carnigill.
NORTHALLERTON. - Tues. Fwd: 169 cattle, 695 sheep. Steers med to 118.5p/£651.75 av 105.84p/£557.01; heavy to 125.5p/£798.03 av 104.44/ £670.19; overall steer av 104.68; hfrs med to 136.5p/£648.38 av 106.85p/£489.86; heavy to 133.5p/£750.75 av 107.71p/ £584.08; overall hfr av 107.48; bulls med to109.5p/£607.73 av 87.54p/£453.60; heavy to 112.5p/£708.03 av 96.1p/ £584.08; overall hfr av 107.48p; bulls med to 109.5p/£607.73 av 87.54p/£453.60; heavy to 112.50/£708.03 av 96.1p/ £588.07; overall bull av 91.42p; total cattle av 101.85p. Lambs std to 112.3p/£43.80 av 108.64p/ £41.25; med to 112.1p/£48 av 105.04p/£45.07; overall av 105.5p; heavy to 106.5p/£52 av 98.53p/£46.70; owt to 86.2p/£50; total lamb av 102.96p; cull ewes to £45 av £27.47.
PENRITH. - Mon. Fwd: 63 cattle. Hfrs: Lim to 138.5p;BB to 134.5p; Char to 105.5p. Steers: BA to 134.5p; Simm to 101.5p. Bulls: Lim to 122.5p; BB to 109.5p; Saler to 103.5p; Fries to 92.5p; AA to 93.5p; Longhorn to 88.5p.
SCOTS GAP. - Wed of last week. Fwd: 1,618 lambs. Suff to 115.1p; Texel to 113.8p; Mule to 93.6p; Cheviot X to 108.6p; HB to 95.7p; overall av 45kg & 100.8p.
THIRSK. - Thurs of last week. Fwd: 391 cattle, 1,070 sheep, 233 pigs. Steers lt to 115.5p/£602.25 av 99.6p; heavy to 121.5p/£795.83 av 103.7p; hfrs lt to 137.5p/£550 av 104.2p; med to 131.5p/£586.50 av 108.2p; heavy to 143.5p/£907.50 av 105.3p; bulls lt to 104.5p/£465.03 av 89.9p; med to 122.5p/£651.28 av 89p; heavy to 126.5p/£916.75 av 95.3p. Lambs lt to 90p/£27; std to 100p/£38 av 95.9p; med to 104.9p/£44 av 95.1p; owt to 100.9p/£53.50 av 92.2p; ewes lt to £30.80 av £26.68; heavy to £53 av £32.53. Porkers to 80p/£59.92 av 78.4p; cutters to 85p/£69.47p av 79p; baconers to 82.5p.£74.42 av 74.2p; owt to 71p/£79.88p av 69.5p; sows to 54p/£161.20 av 51.8p. Mon. - Collection Centre. Fwd: 22 OTMS. Tues. - Fwd: 165 store cattle, 62 store lambs. Steers, blue CID, 13-24-m-o: Lim X to £570; Fries to £360. Red CID, 22-26-m-o: Lim X to £458; Fries to £480. Hfrs 13-20-m-o: BB to £470; AA to £460; Char X to £455; Lim to £422. Young bulls, red CID, 11-m-o: Fries to £290. Green CID, 7-10-m-o: Lim to £500; AA to £398; Char to £365; Fries to £298. Suff X to £39.60; Jacob ram lambs to 16.
TOW LAW. - Mon. Lambs: Suff to 111.4p; Texel to 103.8p; Char X to 102.6p; Mule to 97.8p.
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