TAP water could become a trademark like Pepsi, Coca Cola and Lucozade.

Yorkshire Water has applied to have Icytonic be given the same protection in law as other drink brands.

The name was invented for a marketing campaign that promoted tap water over isotonic sports drinks.

Yorkshire Water's business unit director Richard Flint said: "The links between water, sport and health are well known and documented, and this year we wanted our campaign to promote this message.

"We came up with Icytonic as a brand in its own right, and because of its success, we have decided to register it as a trademark.

"By doing this we are the first water company to effectively register our core product, namely tap water.

"We have a great product, and the fact it's available from every cold tap in the Yorkshire region for less than half a pence per litre means we would be mad not to protect its name."

The company said that unlike bottled rivals, tap water had no calories or colourings.