Esh Leaves WI: THE president Sylvia Green welcomed members to the October meeting. She and secretary Sheila Vear quickly ran through correspondence and county newsletter before the introduction of guest speaker, Glynis Grainger.

Mrs Grainger had returned by popular request after her previous talk on Annie Oakley. This time she spoke at length about Oscar Schindler, keeping members completely absorbed with details of that courageous but enigmatic man's life. The secretary gave the vote of thanks.

The war memento competition was won by Gillian Wesson, with Brenda Robson second and Doreen Densham third, and the monthly door raffle was won by Evelyn Lawton.

The president reminded members that Hamsteels and Quebec WI would be our guests at a joint November meeting and gave programme details.

The Christmas party will be held early December, followed in January by a belated Christmas dinner night out, so the next formal meeting will be on Monday, February 14, 2005, at 7.30pm, in the Church of England School, Esh. Visitors welcome.

Merry Oaks WI

THE president Margaret Thornhill welcomed members and visitors to the October meeting and announced the setting up of a new group of WIs. We look forward to plenty of combined efforts.

Margery Chesterton gave her report from the autumn council meeting. The secretary Edith Hall dealt with the business.

The speaker was Sister Josepha who gave a resume of her teaching career and her involvement with football and Newcastle United.

Plans are in hand for a visit to Harperley Hall and the Christmas dinner.

Competition winners were Doreen Norman and May Parker, Maureen Nelthorpe won the raffle. The evening concluded with several members recalling some special moments.

Next month we shall hear about the Birtley Belgians.

Gilesgate Evening TG

THE chairman Jennie O'Hare welcomed everyone to the October meeting at the St John Ambulance Hall. The guild anthem was sung.

The secretary Jean Tilly introduced the speaker David Raeburn, who gave a slide show and commentary of an Island Hopping holiday in the Greek islands that he and his wife had enjoyed. The scenery was so beautiful, unusual and very interesting. Shirley Whiteley gave the vote of thanks. David then answered some questions.

He also judged the competition, a set of coasters, the winner was Jennie O'Hare. Refreshments were enjoyed.

The guild business then commenced. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Sandra Mitchelson gave the financial report. The federation report was read.

A Harvest Auction and pie and peas supper held on September 20 had been successful. Two Federation events in Hartlepool had been supported by the guild. The guild was also due to entertain its twin-guild Fairfield Manor this month, and eight members were to attend a regional meeting at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington.

Raffle winners were Jennie O'Hare, Shirley Whiteley, Jill Kennick and Nel Snowball. Monday, November 1, is the next meeting. It will be the guild's 53rd birthday.

Newton Hall WI

OUR speaker for the evening was Jean McGranaghan who brought to life fashions of the last 60 years. Jean also produced a range of examples to exclamations of: "I remember those," and "I've still got a hat like that." A most unusual and enjoyable talk and demonstration.

Prior to the talk, the president Dorothy Hodgson welcomed members and three new visitors to our meeting. Gwen Scott read the minutes and Laura Murray the financial statement. Pauline Mitchell gave the vote of thanks.

Pretty brooch winners were 1 Gwen Scott, 2 Joan Foxall, 3 Alma Gooch. The door prize was won by Petra Whitfield and Jenny Bell won the raffle.

Our next meeting will be a members' night and takes place on November 3 at the community centre at 7.30pm.

Belmont TG

OCTOBER was the month for Belmont Townswomen's Guild to hold a ploughman's supper. The chairman Margaret Parker welcomed members and hoped everyone would enjoy the evening.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary Thelma Harrison and treasurer Edna Stobart gave the financial report. After supper a sale of fruit and vegetables, given by members, took place. The chairman thanked members for their generosity in bringing in an abundance of harvest fare.

The competition winners of the last rose of summer were 1 M Graham, 2 E Foster, 3 B Bowman. Raffle prize was won by Jean Clark.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3, at 7.30pm in Belmont Comprehensive School. Visitors very welcome.