A WINNING school football team has been given a helping hand by a parent supporter who has presented them with a new strip.

Barbara Coglan, who owns The Cutting Club Hair Salon in Bishop Auckland, can often be seen on the sidelines cheering on King James I Community College's Year Eight Football team.

Mrs Coglan, whose son Sonny plays on the team, decided to buy them a new kit after their original one had to be thrown out last year.

A spokesperson for the school said: "During last year, asbestos was discovered in the sports block, which has now been demolished and all the kit had to be condemned as well.

Since then the team has had to use old, rather tatty kit, so that they could play."

The new kit has proved lucky for the youngsters who have not lost a match since they started wearing it.

As a thank you the team invited Mrs Coglan to their Year Eight assembly where they presented her with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.