"SOME are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrown upon them". Although, perhaps, not quite reaching those grand heights, English Touring Theatre Company's production of Twelfth Night achieves some highly meritable moments.

An accomplished, polished production of the Shakespeare comedy classic had a full house Gala Theatre audience entranced, and at times in stitches.

New recruit Georgina Rich, in her first professional role, gave an admirable performance as Viola, the shipwrecked girl who disguises herself as a eunuch and enters the service of Orsino (Dugald Bruce Lockhart).

The witty lines of Sir Toby Belch, "in drunken slobber and song", delivered flawlessly by Michael Cronin, stole the show, but with Feste a close second. He may be the fool of the play, but, in reality, he speaks the most rationally amidst the madness.

Des McAteer, as the pathetic and nave Malvolio, also aroused great amusement, with his cross-gartered yellow stockings, while Maria (Susan Brown), at the centre of the plotting and chaos, abused him at will.

This faithful adaptation, directed by Stephen Unwin (no relation!), should please Shakespearean traditionalists, yet still entertain those from a less literary background.

* Runs until tonight. Box office: 0191-332 4041.

Published: 30/10/2004