A THEATRE group has become the driving force in keeping Darlington College students safe from harm.

Stockton-based StopWatch performed a play to 320 students at Darlington College of Technology recently, exploring teenagers' attitudes to cars, passing the driving test and the dangers of getting behind the wheel.

It also looked at the consequences of showing off, speeding and driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

The theatre group followed two performances at the college with workshops on the responsibilities of driving and being a passenger in a car.

College student activities manager Diane Muckle said: "Something like this really gets the message across as the students remember what they have seen in the play.

"It's quite an emotional performance surrounding an accident and hopefully they will remember the lessons they have learnt the next time they jump in a car.

"It should foster good driving habits whether they are behind the wheel or a passenger."

Published: 30/10/2004